Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim (26-25) @ Toronto Blue Jays (30-25)

Starters: LAA – John Lackey (1-1, 6.05 ERA)  TOR – Brian Tallet (3-3, 4.26 ERA)

Game Info: 9:37 PM PT TV-Fox Sports West, Radio-KLAA 830 AM, KFWB, KWKW 1330 AM

Stupid Canada.  Who plays games this early?  Honestly.

Blame Canada

If I find out that this whole thing is because of freaking hockey I am going to be pissed.  Let’s just hope the early start time doesn’t throw the Angels off their game.  On the bright side, since I will be at work for the game, I can watch it on Tivo at home and fast forward through the miserable Howie-Howard’s commercials, always a plus.

Questions of the Morning:

  • How many strikeouts for the Angel hitters today?  I predict 6, but only because the Angels are distracted Brian Tallet’s whispy pornstache.
  • Which Mike Scioscia face will Howie Kendrick inspire today?  The open-mouthed, blinking face of utter disbelief or the the clinched jaw, fake calm face of wanting to secretly murder Howie?
  • What am I going to have for breakfast?  I feel like flapjacks and Canadian bacon are in order for this occasion.  However, given the time constraints, instant oatmeal seems much more likely.

Give me your own answers and predictions for today’s questions or just leave a general comment about today’s game.