Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim (49-37) @ Oakland Athletics (37-49)

Starters: LAA – Ervin Santana (1-5, 7.81 ERA)  OAK – Dallas Braden (7-7, 3.23 ERA)

Game Info: 7:05 PM PT TV-Fox Sports West, Radio-KLAA 830 AM, KFWB, KWKW 1330 AM

THREE Questions:

  • Did the All-Star Break kill all the run-scoring momentum the Angels built up against the Yankees?
  • Will Juan Rivera be back or are his legs still bothering him?  The Angel training staff has been suspiciously quiet on this front.
  • Was the pre-break usage of Brandon Wood a sign of things to come from Mike Scioscia or just a tease?

TWO Predictions:

  • Billy Beane sneaks into Tony Reagins’s box seats at the stadium and spends the entire game trying to convince him to trade for underachieving “slugger” Matt Holliday to no avail.
  • Mike Scioscia inexplicably forgets to get Chone Figgins and Brian Fuentes into the game and then is later revealed to be Joe Maddon in a fat suit.

ONE Wish:

  • I wish that Ervin Santana weren’t kicking off the second half.  Having the most erratic pitcher on the squad start the second half of the season seems like an ominous omen.

ZERO Tolerance for… Internal auditors at my day job who have kept me too busy to post anything else on the blog today, sorry folks.

Leave your own questions, answers, predictions or wishes as a comment or just hang out with us during the game.