Halo Headlines – 2/10/10
- The Story: A look at Jered Weaver’s splits. The Monkey Says: The piece focuses on Weaver’s propensity for giving up a lot more homers on the flyballs he allows to lefties. Even the stat geeks aren’t sure if it means anything, but they seem to think it is more of a fluke which would actually be good news for Weaver as he continues his development into a potential ace.
- The Story: Buster Olney ranks the Angel rotation as the fourth best in the majors. The Monkey Says: The Angels may lack a megastar pitcher, but they have great depth and Olney hits it right on the head when he says that a bounceback year from Ervin Santana is huge to the success of the Angel rotation.
- The Story: Tim Salmon has a book due for release on April 1st. The Monkey Says: No, it doesn’t appear to be a joke either, so if you were a fan of the King Fish go ahead and pre-order the book if you want to be one of the first to read his memoirs.
- The Story: FanGraphs unveils their Top 10 Angel Prospects. The Monkey Says: Aren’t we done with these lists yet? FanGraphs does seem to have a lot of faith still in Jordan Walden who has fallen way down most prospect lists due to his recent injury issues.
- The Story: The Angels have unveiled a new billboard that simply says “Tradition.” The Monkey Says: Looks like “Tradition” is the new team slogan for 2010. I am not sure exactly how much tradition the Halos really have prior to the hiring of Mike Scioscia, but maybe that is what they are focusing on. Either way, it is a MUCH better slogan than “Fan Strong.”