Daily Links for the LA Angels including Beltre chose the Rangers because he “wants to win,” national reporters pile on the Angels’ off-season failures, Scioscia speaks on the future, former Angel Blyleven finally a Hall of Famer and much more…


The Story: Adrian Beltre said he chose the Rangers because he “wants to win.”

The Monkey Says: Really, asshole?  Are you sure it wasn’t the $96 million they were offering?  It didn’t factor into your decision at all that Texas was willing to pay you $26 million more than any other team had offered?  Riiiiiiiiiiiiight.

The Story: The Angels are tops among teams with shopping left to do.

The Monkey Says: Tell me something I didn’t know, jackass. (Wow, two links in and I am already feisty, this could be a long day).

The Story: Beltre is just the latest whiff for the Angels.

The Monkey Says: We get it, stop.  Why won’t somebody make the bad men stop?

The Story: The Angels fiddle as the AL West turns.

The Monkey Says: (Slamming head on desk)

The Story: Roberto Alomar and former Angel Bert Blyleven were elected to the Hall of Fame.

The Monkey Says: Blyleven spent his last three years as a Halo, so don’t go get your hopes up that he will be first player to be enshrined into the Hall whilst wearing an Angels hat on his plaque.  Tim Salmon will be up for a vote for the first time next season, but his chances of ever getting elected, sadly, are slim to none.  I guess we will have to wait until Vladimir Guerrero retires and then pray the Hall inducts him as an Angel rather than a Montreal Expo.

The Story: Mike Scioscia downplays the Angels’ disappointing off-season.

The Monkey Says: I don’t blame Scioscia for saying “we’ll be fine.”  I know it sounds obtuse for him to say that, but what else is he going to say?  That they shouldn’t even bother with playing in 2011?  Come on now.  That being said, the other things Sosh says STRONGLY suggests, to me at least, that the Halos won’t be making any significant moves before the season starts.  He definitely doesn’t sound like a guy who wants to go out and get a lights out closer like Rafael Soriano, though he does indicate that he isn’t all that happy with his leadoff options, so maybe they’ll make a move there, but probably not a big trade so much as signing Scott Podsednik.

The Story: The Angels will suit up in 2011 without major additions.

The Monkey Says: Wow, Lyle Spencer just won’t give up on the whole “bring back Figgins” thing, will he?  Granted, it isn’t the worst idea in the world, but I am not a fan of taking on his contract while simultaneously freeing Seattle from the seemingly onerous deal and giving them useful players in return.

The Story: Could Brandon Wood benefit from the lack of Beltre signing?

The Monkey Says: The fact that question is even being asked frightens me to my very core.  But, hey, who knows?  Maybe this could be one of those weird serendipitous events that results in Wood ending up getting unexpected playing time and things suddenly click for him and he realizes his potential.  Then after that, I will win the Mega Millions jackpot and Scarlett Johansson will land in my backyard in a helicopter and take me away to be her presonal sex slave.  Yeah, that could happen.

The Story: Former Angel Kevin Frandsen has signed a minor league deal with the Padres.

The Monkey Says: Too bad, I liked him and kind of hoped he join the Salt Lake Bees as an insurance policy.  Then again, I always had a hard time remembering how to spell his name, so I consider this a push.

The Story: Scot Shields still hasn’t decided whether or not to retire.

The Monkey Says: Not to be cruel, but I think all the other MLB teams will make the decision for him.  I just don’t see him getting anything other than a spring training invite where he will have virtually no chance to beat out some younger competition with more upside.

The Story: Arbitration season has begun for the Angels.

The Monkey Says: Ah yes, let the haggling begin!  The Halos have a lot of cases to handle, hopefully all will settle quickly and amicably.  However, I have a feeling that Jered Weaver’s arbitration case could get a little bit dicey.

The Story: AngelsWin.com unveils their top 50 Angel prospects for the year.

The Monkey Says: I know this is buried pretty far down in the links, but it really is a great read.  If there is one thing AngelsWin.com does well, it is cover the Angel farm system.

The Story: Eric Chavez is holding workouts for the Dodgers and two AL teams.

The Monkey Says: I link to this because I suspect the Halos might be one of the teams.  The article states that Chavez wants to play in California and the Angels have the obvious need at third and certainly wouldn’t mind another lefty bat with some pop.  Chavez’s physical problems have forced him to barely play at all the last three years, but back in his prime he was a slick fielder at the hot corner with good power.  I suspect if he did earn a major league job this season, it would be as a part-time reserve at either corner infield position.

The Story: The Angels announce their 2011 giveaway schedule.

The Monkey Says: Definitely a very funny take on the announcement.  I couldn’t possibly be more intrigued by what the Angels Wrestling Mask is going to look like.