I don’t even know how to react to this just yet, but, in case you missed it, fans at tonight’s game actually threw money at Carl Crawford.  Don’t believe me?  Here is a screen cap from the Fox Sports West broadcast.

Crawford money

H/T to Sam Miller at the OC Register

On one hand, I think this is a somewhat petty response to a guy spurning the Angels in free agency when, in fact, it was probably more likely the Angel front office clusterf@$%icng the negotiations that caused Crawford to wind up in Boston.

On the other hand, this is totally awesome and hilarious and I don’t think I have ever been more proud of a Angel fans for stepping up and showing some real pride and fervor.  I honestly don’t think I can remember any other fans doing this to another player before (if I am wrong, please let me know, it is late and my memory is a bit foggy).  Seriously, this is great, even if it was a bit misguided these fans that gave up their own hard-earned money show their disdain for Crawford just earned Southern California baseball fans a whole lot of street cred.  Bravo, everyone, bravo.