Not to ruin the Free For All fun before it even begins, but I have to interrupt this very important blog post to bring you some breaking news that will impact the future of this very site…

breaking news

What could it be?

Fret not, loyal readers, I have nothing but good news for you today.  The fine folks at Bloguin are making some upgrades to their network, which includes this site.  For starters, the geeks in the back room are doing something with all their fancy computer code that will make the site work better.  It will still look the same, it just will be faster and clear up some bugs.

(Yawn. C’mon get to the good stuff!)

Next, sometime in the next week (or so), the old comment system is getting demoted like Fernando Rodney and will be replaced by a system called LiveFyre, which is pretty dang sweet.  Comments will be easier to thread and will handle HTML markup and support all kinds of different media.  Also, all those bothersome spam comments will stop slipping in (I hope).  Once the comment system gets installed, I’ll have further instructions since there are a few hoops to jump through before everyone can use it.

Finally, the big change, one I teased earlier in the week.  I still can’t go into full details, but I am getting a promotion of sorts.  Bloguin is launching a national baseball blog of its own and I will be one of a select few writers for that site.  This is something I am VERY excited about because now I get to inflict myself on so many other fanbases.  What does that mean for this blog?  Hopefully not much.  I will have to cut back a little bit on the content I provide here, but I am going to maintain my output as best as I can.  I promise MWAH will not be forgotten and will always remain by top priority.

I will need a little help from you folks though.  Namely, to accomodate this new gig, I need one of you (or someone you know) who is interested in getting into the blogging game themselves to join Ryan Falla and myself.  For the time being, this new unpaid position would just be doing game previews and recaps on Friday and Saturday, but there is room to grow the role into more (i.e. a weekly feature post) if you perform well.  Please let me know if you are interested and email me at [email protected].  I want to fill this opening fast as the new site goes live very, very soon, so act fast if you are interested.

We now return to your regularly scheduled Free For All Friday.

Here are a few topics for you to discuss amongst yourselves:

  • Does this change mean Garrett is going to have to start being nice to the Rangers? (EDITOR’S NOTE: God, I hope not)
  • How will I live without all those great comments telling me where to buy new shoes?
  • If/when the federal government shuts down, does that mean I don’t have to send my taxes in next week since the IRS building should be empty?

Or just feel free to bring up a non-Angels topic of your own.  I don’t really care (as long as you keep it clean) because it’s Friday.