Another week, another set of changes strikes Monkey With a Halo.  But as always, the changes are for nothing but good.

The biggest piece of news is that we have brought on board another writer to help out.  And that new writer is (drumroll)… Jonathan Lyons!  For now, Jonathan will be handling game previews and recaps on Friday.  He’ll be introducing himself later on today, so be sure to give him a warm welcome.

Also, as you might have already noticed, we have introduced a fantastic new commenting system that should make life a whole lot better around here.  There are a few hoops you have to jump through to get started, but nothing too bad.  Details are after the jump…



Please make sure your seat belt is securely fastened and keep all arms and legs inside the blog.

So here is the lowdown on the new LiveFyre commenting system.

  • You will need to either register with Livefyre or sign in using Facebook or Twitter for now with the ability to use the Bloguin registration you might have in the near future
  • Flickr, Twitpic, tinypic, and imgur are the supported image sources, meaning you just copy and paste the URL into the comment box and the image shows up as a thumbnail.
  • For videos, YouTube and Vimeo work. Just paste the URL, and it works.
  • It appears that all previous comments have been lost, which kind of stinks, but I think we’ll all get over it.

OK, that’s it and it is also hopefully the last batch of big changes for the site for the next little while.

Here are a few topics for you to discuss amongst yourselves:

  • The NHL playoffs are here!  Is there anything mroe exciting than playoff hockey?  Who is going to take it all?  I’m predicting a Vancouver-Boston Finals with the Canucks taking it all.  Also, I have a guilty confession to make.  I’m a Kings fan, not Duck fan.  I ask in advance that you keep the four-letter words to a minimum in your angry comments now that you know this information. 
  • The NBA playoffs are starting too, I’m not quite as excited about those because they seem to take seven months to complete.  My prediction: Lakers-Bulls, with the Lakers notching the three-peat.  Time for a guilty confession.  I’m not a Laker fan either.  I’m actually a Golden State Warrior fans.  Hopefully the pity that revelation inspires cancels out the vitriol triggered by the previous confession.
  • While I’m making confessions, this one takes the cake.  I’m a Detroit Lions fan.  No, I don’t have a good explanation for it, I just know that I desperately want a NFL team to move to Los Angeles IMMEDIATELY.

Or just feel free to bring up a non-Angels topic of your own.  I don’t really care (as long as you keep it clean) because it’s Friday.