So the Angels came into Arlington needing to set the tone with their new found rivals. I get the sense the Rangers don’t take the Angels very seriously as a threat to their eventual march to another Western Division crown. Tonight’s game only reinforced that idea. The Angels seemed to lack the ability to get the big hit unlike the Rangers. Most experts believe that really the only reason the team is in first place was that the Weaverr-Haren duo started out of the gate so hot. But Weaver has cooled, now losing three straight, and Texas has the pitching to match the one Angels strength, which could spell trouble come September.

Rangers 4 Angels 1

Tonight’s game was sort of what I expected. We thought a pitcher’s duel was on tap and for a while it looked like we had it. Weaver pitched well, except for a couple of mistakes, the Angels were just beaten by a superior pitcher. I did however notice something about the two teams that might be important down the road. The Rangers hit doubles and homers, the Angels tend to send worm burners up the middle or get lucky on occasion and get one over the fence. The fact that the Rangers can score on any pitch but the Angels have to collect base hits to get runs across may be of issue. I am also afraid the Jered Weaver for Cy Young train has hit a bit of a roadblock.

Game Notes

— So I called for a Torii Hunter big game and what did I get for my trouble? 0 for freakin 4?!? Really, Torii??? Couldn’t get one lousy hit? Couple that with Howie’s 0-4 and the heart of the order really let us down. I get that Ogando was really good but I would have thought the middle guys would be able to do something besides hack away like lost children in a forest.
— Am I the only one bothered by the Ranger red uniforms? Doesn’t it seem like they should have to wear the blues so it’s easier to tell the two teams apart? I find it hard to hate Mike Napoli in red. Now, Ian Kinsler on the other hand…no problems with the hatred there, in any color.
— A little more about the Angel offense. I am aware that they technically lead the league in Batting Average, but a closer examination shows that it might be an illusion. On more than one occasion tonight the Angels had multiple hits in an inning and yet failed to score. This is because 4 of the 6 hits tonight were ground ball singles. This means that they have to clump 3 or 4 hits together to get runs. That is usually hard to do. Outside of Aybar’s big fly and Callaspo’s two hits, the offense couldn’t generate anything sustainable which forces the pitcher to have to be on just to stay competitive. I think Tony Reagins has to re-examine his options on getting a bigger bat…maybe a third baseman. Too bad their wasn’t one out there this offseason who could have helped. Wait? What? There was…
— Congrats to Kevin Jepsen for finding the catcher’s glove on a regular basis. With a little more work he might actually be able to throw strikes. One can only hope.
— I’m not sure what is going on but Weaver just doesn’t look the same. I guess whatever illness he had really took a toll because even though he went 6 and struck out a half dozen, he labored from time to time and isn’t finishing hitters off like he was earlier this season. This is worth keeping an eye on because the Angels have not shot to even stay in a race without his dominance.

Halo A Hole

Sorry Torii but your the team leader. We needed you tonight and you crapped the bed. Go back to the hotel and think about what you’ve done mister and come back tomorrow with a better showing in the box!!