Well, I never thought I would catch myself saying this, but thank GOD for Jeff Mathis. I don’t think the Angels would have won this game without him, shocker ain’t it? You can all strike me down tomorrow once Mathis falls back down to rock bottom.

Angels 4 Athetics 1

Game Notes

  • Jeff Mathis finished the night with 2 RBI’s and 2 hits, a career night one could say. This is just once in a long while thing, a flash in the pan as some would say. Now that Mathis has drained all his juices for the month we can expect to see a lot more of the usual. Maybe if we’re lucky and we wish for it real REAL hard Jeff will have another game like this before the All-Star break! 
  • Jordan Walden is finally going back to the basics and showing signs of return to form with his shutout performance tonight. Walden looked especially sharp tonight, especially with the game finishing strikeout. Tonight’s pitching was a huge step up from what we’ve seen. Speaking of stepping it up…
  • Jered Weaver went 7 innings and walked 5 while striking out 5. He may not have come out with the win, but he made it very easy for this offense to bring the game home. He didn’t look extra sharp like we could have hoped, but he sure did look a lot better than any of his last 4 starts. It wasn’t an ace like night, it was still a promising performance. It’s good to see both of our better pitchers returning back to prime time form.

Halo Hero


You won this award simply for the fact that you prove to have some worth left in you. I would like to see you up here a lot more often, but then again I would like it even better to see you shipped out. At least you did your job today, so hats off to you buddy boy. For one night you aren’t hated in Anaheim. Live it up while it lasts.