Daily Links for the LA Angels including Aybar feeling comfortable batting leadoff, checking in with the Angels’ top prospects, Wells headed to the DL with a groin injury and much more…

The Story: Erick Aybar appears to finally feel comfortable batting leadoff.

The Monkey Says: The funny this is the title of the article calls him “new and improved.”  What I see is the old 2009 version of Aybar, a guy who felt free to aggressively approach at-bats, as his is instinct, not trying to force himself into being a pitch-taker like he did last season.

The Story: Jon Heyman checks in on the top prospects in baseball, including Mike Trout, in light of all the recent big-name prospect promotions.

The Monkey Says: It is understandable that people might start getting excited about a Trout call-up, but don’t hold your breath.  He is doing more than fine in Double-A, but I highly doubt the Angels would force him into the majors so quickly, especially after promising not to call him up at all before the season.

The Story: None of the Angels three first-round picks from last season have played yet this season.

The Monkey Says: All three (Kaleb Cowart, Chevez Clarke and Cam Bedrosian) will play short-season ball this year, so this is not a big deal at all.  It is just a slow news day and I thought it was interesting that these three hot prospects still have yet to see any game action.  Alas, short-season play is still over a month away, so we will have to continue to wait for these three to make their 2011 debut.

The Story: Vernon Wells has an injured groin and is headed to the DL.

The Monkey Says: Reggie Willits will take his place on the roster but there has no been a timetable given for his return, but suffice it to say that his immediate placement on the DL does not bode well for a speedy return.  Wells has been terrible this season, but the Halos are going to have a heck of a time trying to replace him since they have no real back-up outfielder other than Abreu, who is a defensive liability.  Amarista and Trumbo are options too, but neither has very much OF experience.

The Story: The Angels are going for the world record for most people wearing a costume mask.

The Monkey Says: I kind of hate this idea, but seeing how the masks brought the Angels luck in that extra innings game in Boston, I’ll let it slide.