Forgive me for dwelling in the negative on this one, but I have a simple question to which I must know the answer.  I find that the moniker of “most hated Angel” gets thrown out quite a bit by Angel fans, but there does not seem to be a consensus on which player really is the least loved.  Today, I’m getting to the bottom of it via the good ol’ democratic process.  So get your voting finger ready and click the poll to let us know who is the true least favorite Angel player.

Rodney and Mathis

Time to vote!

  1. Jeff “Mendoza Line” Mathis
  2. Fernando “The Tilted Hat of Misery” Rodney
  3. Scott “DFA Waiting to Happen” Kazmir
  4. Someone else (explain in the comments)

To place your vote, simply find the Poll of the Week in the gray sidebar to the right.

EDITOR’S ADDENDUM: Don’t get on me for focusing on the negative, the poll for who your favorite player is comes next week.