Daily Links for the LA Angels including Amarista demoted to make room for Wells, the Halos go heavy on college players in Day 2 of the draft, watch CJ Cron find out he got drafted and much more…

The Story: The Angels activated Vernon Wells and demoted Alexi Amarista yesterday.

The Monkey Says: We know this already since Wells played last night, but I list this more to discuss Amarista.  Alexi pretty much fell on his face in his brief time in the majors, but he had been tearing up Triple-A prior to his call up.  What will be interesting now is to see if Amarista can heat right back up or if maybe his rough time in the majors might have hurt his confidence.

The Story: The Angels select 21 college players versus just 6 high schoolers on Day 2 of the draft.

The Monkey Says: This is a departure from the Bane days of the draft since Eddie preferred to go with more high risk-high reward high schoolers.  Clearly Wilson, likely at the behest of Tony Reagins, wanted to continue restocking the farm with college players that are both surer bets and also likely to reach the majors faster.  Obviously, we won’t know if this strategy will pay off for years to come yet.

The Story: Check out video of CJ Cron getting drafted.

The Monkey Says: His brother ended up getting drafted by the Mariners too, but it would be a double-whammy of fun if he spurned the Mariners to go to college where he could then get drafted by the Angels so that they can complete their Cron brother collection.

The Story: Mark Trumbo and Trevor Bell will be holding an autograph session this Saturday.

The Monkey Says: I’d go, but the commute is a little bit long for me now.

The Story: The Angels Strike Force visit a children’s hospital.

The Monkey Says: Why didn’t someone tell me when I was young that if I got sick that a throng of pretty ladies would come hang out with me?  Sure, cancer sucks, but HOT CHICKS MAN!!!