The July 19th, 2011 edition of daily news for the LA Angels including the Angels showing trade interest in Aramis Ramirez and Wilson Betemit, Reagins says he has no restrictions at the trade deadline, Nolan Ryan hospitalized with heart problems and much more…

The Story: The Angels have shown interest in trading for Aramis Ramirez and Wilson Betemit.

The Monkey Says: Ramirez I very much understand, though it sounds like he isn’t going to waive his no-trade clause.  As for Betemit, I guess he at least provides some depth, but really he is just another version of Alberto Callaspo only with a bit more pop and a worse glove.

The Story: Tony Reagins insists that he has no restrictions at the coming trade deadline.

The Monkey Says: Sorry, but I’m calling his bluff.  I get that he has to say that he has no restrictions so he doesn’t lose negotiating leverage, but the fact that he is saying it pretty much confirms that it is BS.  The Angels almost never talk trade to the media because they like to play things close to the vest, so I can only assume Tony is tipping his hand now because he wants to bluff the competition.  Besides, we’ve all season the payroll figures for the Halos, so we know just how much budget room they really have left (which is none).

The Story: Former Angel great and current Texas Rangers owner Nolan Ryan was hospitalized with potential heart problems.

The Monkey Says: Ryan has an existing heart condition, but it sounds like he will be alright, which is no surprise since he is such a tough old SOB that I’m pretty sure he’d beat up the Grim Reaper like he did Robin Ventura rather than die before he is ready to go.

The Story: The Angels are rumored to have kicked the tires on Melky Cabrera.

The Monkey Says: Ugh, what is with Reagins and his obsession with Royal slappies?  I can see Melky being a nice fourth outfielder for the Halos, but I don’t see how he is going to be any kind of a difference maker.

The Story: Fox Sports’ Tracy Ringolsby claims, “The Los Angeles Angels began to erode the day Tony Reagins took over as general manager and began undermining the scouting department.”

The Monkey Says: That is a serious shot to take, though not totally without merit.  Reagins has definitely made some missteps, but I also don’t know that he is as big of a problem as Ringolsby considers him to be.  All I know is that I wouldn’t expect Ringolsby and Reagins to exchange Christmas cards this winter.

The Story: What will Mike Trout’s 2011 cameo lead to in 2012?

The Monkey Says: I don’t see how this won’t result in Trout having at least a part-time role in the 2012 Angel lineup.  He has hardly set the world on fire in his short time in the majors, but the team knows what he is capable of and will surely plan for him to be a big part of the 2012 Angels unless he somehow falls on his face when he returns to the minors in a few weeks.

The Story: Dan Haren is an avid bobblehead collector.

The Monkey Says: Really?  Why do I feel like that has something to do with him never getting any run support?