Daily Links for the LA Angels including more confusion reigns over the Beltre situation, Rivera hoping to build on a strong winter, Boras gets good and bad news and much more…

The Story: T.R. Sullivan throws some water on the idea that a Beltre-Rangers deal is imminent.

The Monkey Says: Sullivan is a Rangers beat reporter for MLB.com, so I trust him more than I trust some Domincan newspaper.  It looks like we can all relax a little bit with Beltre though this report is now almost two days old and nothing has happened, strongly suggesting that it won’t happen.  Then again, there are also various conflictin rumblings that Michael Young has been approached about switching positions in lieu of a Beltre signing.

The Story: The Rangers have talked to Adrian Beltre… and Vladimir Guerrero.

The Monkey Says: It is a very good point being made here that Texas keeping talks open with Vlad strongly suggests that they won’t be moving Young to DH to make room for Beltre.  Although, one could very easily write off their dealings with Guerrero as Texas maintaining a back-up plan should they not land Beltre.

The Story: Buster Olney breaks down how Michael Young fits in the Texas lineup.

The Monkey Says: Yes, it is a scary lineup, but really anymore scary than last season?  I’m not so sure.

The Story: Juan Rivera is hoping to use a great winter ball season to jumpstart him in 2011.

The Monkey Says: Considering his notoriously slow starts, that isn’t such a bad idea.  It would be great if Rivera could get his game back on track, but frankly, I still think the Halos are better off with Abreu at DH and a leadoff type that can field in left, rather than Rivera, even if he is hitting well.

The Story: Can the Angels hang with the Rangers?

The Monkey Says: This is a Lyle Spencer mailbag, so, you’ve been warned.  At least he didn’t go out of his way to stupidly defend Jeff Mathis this time.

The Story: The Rockies signed Carlos Gonzalez to a seven-year, $80 million extension.

The Monkey Says: Why am I posting this, you ask?  Because CarGo is a Scott Boras client and for a Boras to agree to an extension before hitting free agency is downright unheard of.  The report suggest Gonzalez circumvented Boras to make it happen.  Be that true or false, this is good news for the Angels, as it suggests that Boras is losing his touch and that there might be some hope for the Halos to sign Jered Weaver and/or Kendry Morales, both Boras clients, to long-term extensions before they hit the open market.

The Story: The MLB Players’ Union has absolved Scott Boras of any wrongdoing in his dealings with a Dominican prospect.

The Monkey Says: A questionable “loan” was made to a prospect by Boras’ company, and it was something that could have cost Boras dearly, but it looks like the Devil did his thing and made sure he escaped unharmed.  Darn, I guess two blows to Boras’ empire in one day was too much to ask for.