I’ve been trying to find just the right weekly feature to fill this slot for awhile now.  What If Wednesday and Wishful Wednesday were nice ideas, but they just weren’t working out.  But now, I think I’ve got a winner, literally.  As it turns out, the solution lies where all great solutions can be found: in Charlie Sheen’s drug-addled, whacked-out brain.  I thus present to you all… Winning Wednesday.

Winning Wednesday is pretty straightforward, it is a weekly post where we feature the big winners for the Angels for the week.  I love this idea not only because it fills a content hole for me, but it also forces me to inject some positivity into that content, something which I know is severely lacking at times.  I guess you could say it is a “win-win” situation.  OK, so without further adieu (or terrible puns), let’s get this inaugural Winning Wednesday off and running.

Charlie Sheen Winning

No tigers were harmed in the production of this blog post.

Winning Honorable Mention:

  • The human race.  Good news!  We aren’t going to be eradicated by androids.  I have long thought that Mike Trout was seriously some sort of indestructible, baseball-playing super android who was going to first conquer the baseball world and then the human race, but it turns out he has some shoulder stiffness, suggesting he might be a mere mortal after all.  Phew!  Disaster averted… unless this is just a very clever form of subterfuge from our future robotic overlord.
  • Angel fans on Twitter.  Kevin Jepsen must be the Twitter Whisperer or something because he signed up Twitter at the start of the year, but he has taken to it so fast and well that he has gotten the rest of the Angels to start signing up in droves.  In the last week alone Peter Bourjos, Michael Kohn, Bobby Wilson, Trevor Bell and Jordan Walden have all hopped on the Twitter train and I am sure there are more to come.  By the way, I keep a list of Angels who are on Twitter, so you can follow that if you like to keep up to date on the latest Halos to start tweeting.
  • People who can’t type.  So, apparently Kendry Morales actually spells his first name “Kendrys.”  This is a true blessing for the typo-prone amongst us.  Now, if you misspell Morales’ name, you can just say you weren’t sure what the proper spelling us and not admit to the fact that you suck at typing.

Winner of the Week:

Mark Trumbo

  • Mark Trumbo.  It may be Spring Training, but when you have a slugging percentage of .815, you are most definitely WINNING!  Trumbo’s strong spring, highlighted by three titanic home runs, has put his career in a great position.  The Angels can’t ignore his potential anymore and need to really rethink what their plans are for him this year.  That may still result in him returning to Triple-A to start the season, but you have to believe the Angels will look to promote him (and actually play him) at the first given opportunity, unlike when he got called up last September and barely played.  As a special winning bonus, Trumbo might even get his ticket to the bigs punched early in light of the ultimatum set forth for Kendry Morales to see some time in the field within the next two weeks or he won’t be able to start the season, creating a perfect hole in the roster for Mark to fill.  At worst, Trumbo has earned himself a lot of attention around the league, and that means rival GMs will take note of his massive power potential and possibly make increased efforts to pry him loose from the Angels, meaning Trumbo could find himself freed from the logjam behind Morales and right into a new situation where he will be immediately made into a starting major league first baseman.  That latter option may not be so great for the Angels, but it reeks of winning for Trumbo.