Daily Links for the LA Angels including Morales “isn’t close to playing in games yet,” Pineiro could rejoin the Angels on their next road trip, Izturis says fans who call him fragile are “ignorant” and much more…

The Story: Kendrys Morales is making progress in his rehab, but “he isn’t close to playing in games yet.”

The Monkey Says: This is supposed to be a good update, but that little phrase there doesn’t really give me the warm and fuzzies.  I am starting to think that getting Morales back on the field for the Halos may not happen until June.

The Story: Joel Pineiro could rejoin the Angels on their next road trip.

The Monkey Says: At least this is some good news.  I was definitely concerned about Pineiro’s shoulder, but it sounds like he is going to be just fine.

The Story: Mike Scioscia wants Torii Hunter to “settle down” at the plate.

The Monkey Says: What is it about Angel sluggers and trying too hard?  Hopefully Hunter can follow Vernon Wells’ and learn to just let it all go and start playing free and easy.

The Story: Maicer Izturis says people who think he is fragile are “ignorant.”

The Monkey Says: Sorry, Maicer, but you are fragile.  If you want people to stop saying it, avoid the DL for a season.

The Story: The Pirates are said to be in hot pursuit of Brandon Wood.

The Monkey Says: Maybe the Halos can convince the Pirates to give up something in a trade, but several potential suitors (including Milwaukee and Arizona) for Wood have already bowed out of the running.  For Wood’s sake, I hope he ends up in Pittsburgh as they possess the best situation for him to get lots of playing time without much pressure to perform.

The Story: Mike Scioscia insists all of his infielders will play.

The Monkey Says: Keeping all the guys in a rotation is a good idea, so long as Sosh favors the hot hands.  For now, Alberto Callaspo seems to be cooling off, so it would be best if he played less than he has been.

The Story: The Angels are a big reason MLB got a passing grade in gender and ethnic diversity hiring.

The Monkey Says: I suppose having the only minority owner in sports helped quite a bit with that.

The Story: The Angels announced their Summer Concert Series.

The Monkey Says: I actually might intentionally not attend those games just to avoid those musical acts.