Fernando Rodney? GET ‘EM OUTTA HERE

Kevin Jepsen? GET ‘EM OUTTA HERE

Might as well throw in ol’ Jeffy while I’m at it.


White Sox 5 Angels 4 

A gem to remember (curtousy of Chatwood) was followed by a forgettable outing by Walden. Jepsen made it a point to keep the pain train rolling by proving that he does not deserve by up here anymore. Why was that not Kohn called up? It frustrates me to see Kohn, who was making good progress in AAA, snubbed by the great hands of Reagins and Scioscia. Jepsen was struggling just as hard, if not harder, then his struggles in the majors. 
Game Notes

  • What in the world is going on with Walden? It seems that he’s been struggling to get through appearances ever since he starting using his change-up on a regular basis. My best guess is that he is trying to hard to strike out hitters, it could almost be that he is wary of allowing the hitters to make contact. He seems to be pushing too hard to strike out hitters instead of giving his defenders a chance to do their jobs. Once he starts adjusting and pitching to contact things will improve quickly so I’m not worried here. There’s a big learning curve when you’re adapting to the closer role, especially when your as young as Walden.
  • Tyler Chatwood pitched himself to another glorious outing, only to be spoiled by Walden’s outing. He pulled back to back gems against the White Sox so far in his young career, going deep into games and taming the opposition. Groundball dominance is the name of Chatwood’s game, and he plays it very well. I haven’t seen a young pitcher get so many timely double play balls as Chatwood does. He has an affinity for the sinker, his occupation of the 5th hole is going to pay off ten-fold for the Angels. Smartest move this team has made since Dan Haren.

Halo A-Hole


Back here again….already? Don’t you think it’s been just a little too soon since your last appearance. Maybe it’s the changeup? Stop waving it around in hitters faces and put it back in your pants, preferable your back pocket. Use it as an ace in the hole pitch or something, just stop this madness you’ve put us through! You know the Angels fan base has a very low tolerance for shabby closers, your getting real close to the edge mister. Shut down the next couple games, then maybe I can invest more trust in you.