I would imagine right about now Joel Pineiro is finally breathing again after the tense ending to his 100th career victory. Thanks to some timely hitting and the rollercoaster ride that was the bullpen, Pineiro becomes the fourth Puerto Rican born player to win 100 games in the majors. More importantly, the Angels inched a little closer to the .500 mark and hopefully are starting to play with more confidence as the road trip from hell continues.

Angels 4 Mets 3 

I have to say that from the view on TV, Citi Field seems like a nice ballpark but man was it dead tonight. I read some of the press surrounding the Mets and there seems to be little excitement about the actual team. The evidence on display tonight backs that theory up. During the middle innings you could hear a pin drop in that place. It may have also been due in part to the tepid baseball being played as well as both teams struggled to gain any real momentum in a back and forth game, but the size of the park and the distance the fans are from the field makes the place seem like the Grand Canyon. Good thing it didn’t cost a lot of money to build…

Game Notes

— The defense was the real star of the game tonight. Peter Bourjos made another sensational play in center robbing a sure lead off double, Vernon Wells made a nifty snowcone catch, and the infield defense of Aybar and Itzuris was solid all night. Somewhere Tony Reagins is sitting in his bomb proof bunker made to shield him for all the insults hurled at him screaming at the TV, “see, this is what I imagined Angels baseball would look like!!!”.
— Give it up for Torii Hunter who went 3-4 tonight. Just when we are ready to bury him he pulls one of these nights out and we gaze into his eyes and see his electric smile and fall in love all over again.
— Jordan Walden did his best K-Rod impersonation after all. He walked the first two he saw and nearly threw his fastball into the Hudson river in the process, but struck out the next three with a wicked slider that was vintage Frankie. I know it would never happen, but it seems to me at least that Jordan should get some consideration for Rookie of the Year (although he might not be eligible). He is 16 for 19 in save chances and a 2.67 ERA. That’s pretty damn solid for a guy who was even in the closer role until the second month of the season.
— You may have missed it but there was a nice moment in the middle of an inning where Vernon Wells gave his cap to a kid sitting in front who got beaned with a foul ball. I could be snarky here but I feel good about the win so let’s just give Vernon an “Attaboy” for being a good guy.

Halo Hero

          Peter Bourjos
The sentimental choice would have been Pineiro but he didn’t really pitch well enough to deserve it. Besides, Speedy Petey made another ridiculous catch, plus had the go ahead double so he gets the nod tonight. I can’t even imagine what it will be like seeing him and Mike Trout play together in the same outfield. We might only need two outfielders!!!