Daily Links for the LA Angels including Angels absent from latest All-Star voting results, the farm system is already producing results, Callaspo’s return moves Izturis back into a utility role and much more…

The Story: The latest AL All-Star voting results are out, and not one Angel name can be found.

The Monkey Says: None of the Angel position players exactly deserve a lot of All-Star votes, but the fact that not one is amongst the top five (or fifteen for the outfield) at any position is kind of shameful in my opinion.

The Story: Give credit to the Angels’ farm system for developing several useful players this season.

The Monkey Says: With a lot more yet to come, as we all know.  That alone is plenty of reason for optimism for the Angels’ future, even if the present is working out quite as well as we had hoped.

The Story: Callaspo’s return moves Maicer Izturis back into a utility role.

The Monkey Says: Izturis continues to be highly productive, but this is best for his ability to stay healthy.  Sosh might be placing a little too much faith in Callaspo, but so long as he keeps mixing Izturis in four or five times a week, that is probably best for everyone in the Angel infield.

The Story: Jordan Walden is in a groove.

The Monkey Says: He’s looked pretty dominant of late, but let’s not forget that he dealt with a bout of real shakiness back in May.  He is clearly learning to make adjustments, but sooner or later the league will adjust to him again and then we will really see what he is made of.

The Story: Michael Kohn is back with new and improved control.

The Monkey Says: Allegedly.  Kohn proved that he could mow down Triple-A batters last season, so it shouldn’t be a big surprise that he could do it again this year.  His return last night definitely didn’t go well, but he’ll likely get a few weeks to make his case for sticking around permanently.