Texas Rangers (45-35) @ Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim (45-35)

Starters: TEX – Kevin Millwood (8-5, 2.80 ERA)  LAA – Jered Weaver (8-3, 3.10 ERA)

Game Info: 7:05 PM PT TV-Fox Sports West, Radio-KLAA 830 AM, KFWB, KWKW 1330 AM

The last time we saw Jered Weaver he was walking off the mound feeling forlorn after getting knocked around by the Texas Rangers.

Jered Weaver gets shelled by Texas

I hope Joe Maddon didn’t see that game?  He did?  Dammit.

The shellacking might very well have cost Weaver a shot at making the All-Star Game as his ERA jumped from an impressive 2.65 to a far less shiny 3.10 mark.  Tonight though, Weaver returns home to exact his revenge against the team that caused his snubbing and deliver a double-whammy by potentially thrusting them down into second place in the AL West.

THREE Questions:

  • Will the third time be the charm against Kevin Millwood?  The Rangers have won both of Millwood’s starts against the Halos, so the Angel batters must find a way to solve him in order to avoid the three-peat.
  • Will Kendrick play again tonight?  Scioscia has yet to reveal what his plans are to get Howie, Izturis and Aybar regular playing time and after giving Izzy the previous game off, it seems like it might be time to sit Kendrick for at least a game.
  • Can the Angels avoid all the mental errors they were guilty of the last time they faced off against the Rangers?

TWO Predictions:

  • Vlad will not homer, but he will swing at every pitch like he is trying to hit one and end up taking the collar on the night.
  • Chone Figgins will vastly outperform Ian Kinsler in the series, but it will still be Kinsler getting the final spot on the AL All-Star team instead of Figgy.

ONE Wish:

  • I wish for the Angels to enjoy a wire-to-wire win.  I just can’t take all these comebacks anymore, my heart needs a break.

ZERO Tolerance for… ending up in second place.

Leave your own questions, answers, predictions or wishes as a comment or just hang out with us during the game.