YES!  The American League wins!  The game that shouldn’t really count but does for some reason anyway once again goes to the clearly superior American League.

As usual the Angels All-Star representatives played a major role in the victory.  The way Chone Figgins and Brian Fuentes dug down deep to-

Umm, hold on a sec.  I’m just scanning the box score for a moment.  Hmm, that’s weird, it appears that neither Figgins nor Fuentes actually got into the game.  That couldn’t be could it?  Joe Maddon would never forget to use both players from his former team and deprive them of the honor of getting some action in the All-Star Game.  Let me check again, I am sure I just misread it.

Brian Fuentes

Brian Fuentes looks exhausted from not playing.

Nope, still no Angels.  I’m sure Chone Figgins is real glad he made that mad dash travel itinerary after his last second appointment to the squad only to end up as a spectator.  To be fair, he did have a pretty kick ass seat.  Yes, the closest either Angel got to entering the game was when Brian Fuentes warmed up in the eighth inning when Joe Nathan nearly blew the game for the AL.  For the love of jeebus, even the Nationals got a player in the game, you’re telling me the first-place Angels couldn’t?  Ridiculous.

I probably should try and be more pissed that the Angels got shafted of any playing time, but really, this is just an exhibition game and it really is an honor just to be chosen for the team.  If you want to blame somebody, blame Bud Selig who turned this from a friendly fan showcase to a trumped up contest of All-Stars who are being forced to care for a few hours when they would much rather be relaxing.  Oh well.  There’s always next year.

Chone Figgins upset

Oh, c;’mon, Joe! Let me play!