Halo Headlines – 12/10/09

The Story: John Lackey looks like he is going to have to wait a bit before he gets his big contract.  The Monkey Says: Many teams are interested in Big John, but his lofty asking price is scaring most of them off.  The notion that he will sign a one-year deal to try...

It’s the Bullpen, Stupid

Ace pitchers, power hitters and lead-off men, oh my!  Tony Reagins is working his butt of at the Winter Meetings to upgrade the Angel roster but he seems to be forgetting one key fact… it’s the bullpen, stupid!!! Get used to seeing more blown saves if the...

Halo Headlines – 12/9/09

The Story: Why did the Mariners sign Chone Figgins?  The Monkey Says: I can answer that without even reading the article.  Figgy is perfect for their ballpark and came at a solid price.  Not to mention Seattle has to love screwing the Angels in the process. The Story:...

Handicapping the Winter Meetings

The Winter Meetings have reached a fever pitch here in Day 2.  The Angels have been linked to a lot of different players and moves, but what are the odds that they actually complete any of those deals either now or after the meetings come to an end?  Let’s take...

Halo Headlines – 12/8/09

The Story: The Angels have been heavily linked with Jason Bay after the first day at the Winter Meetings in Indianapolis.  The Monkey Says: Reports vary as to just how much contact the Halos have made with Bay, but it seems pretty obvious that they are highly...

The Figgins Fallout

It isn’t quite official, but it will be momentarily, but Chone Figgins, the Angel leadoff man extraordinaire, is about to become the FORMER Angel leadoff man extraordinaire as he defects northward to the AL West rival Seattle Mariners.  But the pain...

Halo Headlines – 12/7/09

The Story: The Angels are working hard to trade Gary Matthews.  The Monkey Says: That would be a great early Christmas present, but will probably end up being more like a lump of coal in some other team’s stocking, even if the Angels pay the rest of GMJ’s...

Angels Letting Hot Stove Go Cold, About to Lose Figgins

The Winter Meetings can’t get here soon enough because the Angels are boring the crap out of me this off-season.  This is supposed to be the time of year where the Hot Stove League is in full effect, but for the Angels, the stove doesn’t even look like it...

Halo Headlines – 12/4/09

The Story: Baseball America rates the Angel farm system in the bottom half of the league. The Monkey Says: Tell me something I don’t know.  The Angel system hasn’t been good for the last year or two after graduating so many prospects and it is going to...

No Arbitration for You!

What does a guy have to do to get offered salary arbitration? Career year?  Check. Locker room leader?  Check. Clutch performances?  Check. Offer salary arbitration?  ACCESS DENIED!!!!!  No salary arbitration for you, Darren Oliver! No soup arbitration for you!!! Come...