Monkey With a Halo MLB Awards Ballot

It’s that time of year again, time to fill out some end of season ballots.  As this blog is a card-carrying member of the Baseball Bloggers Alliance (actually, there are no cards, this is the internet, after all), I must fulfill my association mandated duties by...

Angels Player Exit Interview Excerpts

As per annual tradition in Major League Baseball, each team ends the season by having each player conduct an exit interview with his manager.  Never ones to buck tradition, the Angels have already gone through the same process.  After such a rollercoaster ride of a...

Breaking Down the Type of General Managers the Angels Will Target

When it comes to finding a new general manager for the Angels, I’m not going to sit here and pretend like I have some special insider information on the specific names they might be targeting.  What I can do though, is evaluate the types of GM candidates they...

BREAKING NEWS: Tony Reagins Out as GM (aka Christmas in September)

This just in, Tony Reagins has “resigned” as GM of the Angels, which is a fancy way of saying he was fired.  Here’s the story via Hardball Talk: If the Angels are indeed going to be “creative and aggressive” this offseason they’ll do so with a new...